How to improve your child’s literacy development at home

Learning experiences play a major role in the language development as well as conceptual development of children. These experiences are very personal to each learner, and the home is the best way to begin learning from birth and extend the learning throughout the school career. How to make literacy part of your home Enhance vocabulary […]
How to get your child to listen

Whether your child tunes out completely when you tell him to clean his room or he keeps throwing his toys around when you tell him to stop, getting your child to listen can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. Children not listening is one of the most frequent parenting complaints, and often the most frustrating. […]
How to help your child cope with divorce

Going through a divorce or separation is difficult for the whole family. But it is often the children that struggle the most to cope with the loss as well as the new changes. Let’s take an in-depth look at the best ways of helping your child cope with divorce, while still being realistic about the situation: […]
How to bring an element of fun to parenting

Balancing all the aspects of parenting can be exhausting. But between all the challenging tasks, there are ways to make parenting fun for both you and your kids. Bringing a fun element will not only relieve the stresses that come with parenting but will also ensure the general happiness of your entire family. Ways […]
The importance of family rituals

Family life can be busy. There is a lot going on with work, school, doing homework, going to extra-mural activities, cooking meals, and making sure everyone has fun too. Busy schedules can affect children in many ways. They may become stressed, feel anxious or get overwhelmed. One way to ensure a sense of stability for […]
Separation Anxiety
How should you deal with separation anxiety? Although it can make life rather difficult for parents, separation anxiety is a normal stage of your child’s development. It is an indication that your child has formed a secure attachment to you and feels happy and safe when they’re with you. Being separated from you for short […]
Thoughts on hysterical moms
I work with many different types of people in my practice and in all honesty I have to admit that I have worked with mothers whom I myself have secretly labelled as “completely hysterical”. You also hear it from other people around them: many a father has sat on my couch and referred to the […]
Book Introduction: Raising a star achiever
I am very happy to share with you all that my book has been published: If only came with a parents’ guide … Raising happy, well adjusted children is a tall order for any parent or caretaker. All parents want what’s best for their children and will do whatever it takes to help them navigate […]
Parenting: Love is NOT enough
My hand hesitates with the cursor hovering over the “publish article” button. I know that what I’m about to say is probably going to offend you and I’m not prepared to apologise for it. Criticize away, but I feel it’s my duty to tell you that you’ve been lied to all along. The common dogma […]
Children and divorce: What to do when your child doesn’t want to visit the other parent.
Children and divorce – more often than not an explosive combination. In my practice I’m consulted from time to time in cases where a child refuses to visit the non-primary caregiver – the “other parent” so to speak. And generally, this creates problems on all sides: The primary caregiver is usually torn between forcing the […]