How to help a child with Dyscalculia

Do this to get support for a child with dyscalculia

In order to help a child with Dyscalculia, it is important for us to first get a diagnosis.  Next try to gather as much professional support as you can. And finally learn how to support a child with dyscalculia at home. Getting a Dyscalculia diagnosis: First things first: Before we can access appropriate resources, we […]

Understanding Dyscalculia in Children

Dyscalculia in children may co-occur with these other learning difficulties

Dyscalculia in children my be less well know, but its effects can be just as devastating as that of its more famous cousin: Dyslexia.  Where Dyslexia is a reading disability, Dyscalculia is a maths disability. It makes it difficult for kids to comprehend number and quantity concepts like bigger and smaller. Maths symbols may be […]