Common Types of Reading Difficulties in Children

understanding what type of reading difficulties children may have is essential in finding a solution

When we talk about reading difficulties it helps to think about the pattern of reading problems that the child displays.  This helps us to get a better idea of whether the child’s difficulty is due purely to not having had enough experience in reading (as happens often with learning to read in English) or whether […]

Lithium as a treatment in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

When I say the word “Lithium” many of you may make a loose association in your head with the word “depression”. And you’d be on the right track.  In 1949 Australian psychiatrist John Cade first published a paper on the use of Lithium in the treatment of acute mania.  Since then it has grown to […]

Learning Difficulties: What to ask teachers and therapists

In the new term meeting with professionals working with your child is a priority. It can be very daunting, especially for parents whose children may have learning difficulties. Frequently, the professionals end up talking and the parents try desperately to follow the conversation and very often only pick up on the negative information. A small […]

Premature birth and ADHD

Premature birth and ADHD – is there a link? I’ll let you in on a trade secret.  It’s not a devious type of secret.  Not anything that could cause anyone harm, but simply a connection that most of us who work with small children have figured out.  When a parent tells me that their child […]

Hyperfocus in ADD

Say what!?!  For years we’ve been telling parents that their children with ADD (and ADHD) can’t focus, but then made them aware at the same time that their children can hyperfocus.  How the heck does that work?  Well, our terminology is partly to blame.   You’ll often hear it said that people with ADD have […]

Sensory Modulation Difficulties

Have you had reason to wonder whether your child suffers from sensory modulation disorder?  Does your child seem overly sensitive to sensory input? Or perhaps he is under responsive to sounds, sights and smells that would send most people running in the opposite direction. Sensory modulation refers to the process through which our brains regulate […]

Neuroplasticity in education

Neuroplasticity, in my opinion is one of the most exciting concepts discovered  by brain scientists in recent years. What it means, in essence, is that our brains can change – significantly – without operations or medication. Now, don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying that there is not a place for neurological medications or operational […]

10 Golden rules for parents of children with a learning difficulty

Having a child with a learning difficulty may be leave parents feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and uncertain about what to do or where to go looking for help.  Implementing these golden rules below should help you, and your child, navigate through the difficult times: Take one day at a time. Remember that you do  not have […]

ADHD Myths – 7 things that are not true

ADHD Child? Confused

ADHD is undoubtedly a controversial diagnosis.  It presents with sets of confusing symptoms that may leave parents at a loss in trying to understand their child’s learning difficulty.  Below we dispel some of the most commonly held myths: Myth 1: Hyperactive children are overstimulated I know it may be hard to believe, but children with […]

Helping your child with sensory processing disorder

If you suspect that your child might be suffering from Sensory Processing Disorder, it would be beneficial to have him assessed by an Educational Psychologist, Occupational Therapist or Peadiatrician. The sooner Sensory Processing Disorder is diagnosed, the sooner therapy can start and the better the chances of improvement. Treatment for Sensory Processing Disorder is mainly […]