Children’s products spelling gripe

So we’re standing in the ridiculously long queue of a hot, over-crowded supermarket today when a pack of jelly tots in the “walk this way and buy more stuff you don’t need on the way to the cashier” isle catches my eye.  And I explode!  My fiance, who by now is just as hot and uncomfortable as I am […]

Early Language Development

Early Language Development: Conversational skills start as early as birth when babies have face-to-face interactions with their parents.  These are particularly frequent and become very exciting at about 3 – 6 months of age when babies make more frequent eye contact, smile, make funny faces, coo and make funny sounds. Psychologists analysed early verbal interactions […]

2nd Edition 2011 – Auditory Perception

As February draws to a close, the majority of children have settled into their new classrooms and teachers start to pick up the work pace. This is also generally the time of the year when teachers begin to identify learners with apparent learning difficulties and refer them to various specialists for examination and remediation. Many […]

Edition no.3 – The importance of play

OVERWHELMED! That’s how I feel. That’s definitely the word I would use to describe this last month (technically, it would have to be the word I’d use to describe the last four months, as that was when last I had time to put together a newsletter). And I’m not the only one. A chat to […]

Mixed Receptive / Expressive Language Disordr

Children suffering from this disorder are limited in both understanding and expressing language. These children typically develop language more slowly than their peers and have trouble understanding conversations that their peers can follow. It is believed to occur in about 3% of school-age children and is twice as prevalent in boys as in girls. Children […]

Expressive Language Disorder

Expresssive language disorder is present when a child’s skills are below the expected levels of vocabulary, use of correct tenses, production of complex sentences, and recall of words. This disorder is two to three times more common in boys than in girls and is most prevalant among children whose relatives have a family history of […]

Mixed Receptive/Expressive Language Disorder

Children suffering from this disorder are limited in both understanding and expressing language. These children typically develop language more slowly than their peers and have trouble understanding conversations that their peers can follow. It is believed to occur in about 3% of school-age children and is twice as prevalent in boys as in girls. Children […]