What does an Educational Psychologist do?
The Health Professions Council of South Africa defines the role as follows: An Educational Psychologist assesses, diagnoses and intervenes to facilitate adjustment and development of children and adolescents in the context of family, school, peer groups or communities.
Practicing as an Educational Psychologist in South Africa
The requirements for practicing as a psychologist in South Africa are: A Master’s degree in Psychology a completed internship in the required field of practice successful completion of the board exam set by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA). The Professional Board for Psychology of the HPCSA has compiled an Ethical Code of […]
Terapie en evaluerings vir kinders
Ek is terloops Afrikaans en doen graag speel-terapie sessies, skolastieseevaluerings en terugvoer van resultate in my moedertaal. Dit is uiters belangrik dat kinders getoets word in die taal waarin hulle onderrig ontvang – en natuurlik ‘n groot bonus as hulle hul onderrig ontvang in hul huistaal.
What exactly is tested during Psycho-Educational Assessments?
Educational Assessments Assessments vary greatly depending on the age and socio-cultural background of each child, as well as the reason for the assessment. Generally four types of assessments are done, these include: school readiness assessments, assessments to ascertain whether learning difficulties are present, subject choice assessments and career choice assessments. The first step in all […]