Tips for managing hyperactivity in the classroom

Hyperactivity can cause challenges at home and school for the child, parents and teachers. It is important to support the hyperactive child in the most positive and sensitive way possible to help control hyperactive motor activity and reduce anxiety. Let’s explore how to manage hyperactivity effectively: Helping to manage hyperactivity Whether you are a teacher […]
Teaching your child to share
Here is a simple guide to teaching your child to share: Every parent understands the frustration that can sometimes come with trying to get a toddler to share. In a sense, difficulty in sharing at this age is a good indication – it points to the fact that your child is starting to develop his […]
Expresso video 1: What is bullying?

Last week I chatted to Expresso’s Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp about bullying. In the first segment we looked at what bullying is, what the psychological effects are and what signs to look out for. Bullying can be described as aggressive behaviour by one party (individual or group) against another in which there is a real […]
Expresso video 2: How to address bullying
In this video I chat to Expresso’s Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp on how parents should address bullying. It is absolutely vital that parents get involved if they know or suspect that their child is being bullied, but how they go about doing so is important: keep in mind that your child is most likely already feeling embarrassed […]
Expresso video 3: Why do children become bullies?
Bullying is a serious problem and as a society we often react with great empathy to the child who is being bullied. But what if your child is the bully? Children bully others for a variety of reasons. Surprisingly when we talk to bullies we often find that they themselves suffer from a low self-esteem […]
Dealing with your aggressive toddler

Most reasonable parents will understand that some form of hitting, biting, scratching and kicking is to be expected with toddlers – but what is normal and when does toddler aggression become a problem? In order to try and answer this question, lets first look at how aggressive behaviours may develop: Babies first begin to learn […]
Disciplining teenagers
Disciplining teenagers presents a rather unique challenge as there’s bound to be a slight power shift in the parent child relationship as children get older – parents need their children to understand that ultimately they are still in charge, yet at the same time need to guide their children in taking greater responsibility and becoming more […]
Play therapy – 6 things parents shouldn’t do
6 things not to do when your child goes for play therapy There are quite a few articles out there with helpful hints on what to do when your child goes for play therapy, but what must you not do? Here are a few helpful tips or things to avoid when your child goes […]
Delayed gratification
In this post I want to focus on delayed gratification and how it may benefit children. Basically, delaying gratification means resisting the temptation to get an immediate reward in order to receive a larger or more enduring reward later. In the now famous Stanford Marshmallow Experiment a researcher would place a marshmallow on a plate […]