Kids learning: the interplay between memory and concentration
Does your child often forget things? Does he forget to bring his shoes or jersey back from school; forget to follow the instructions you give him or get halfway through a sentence and then forgets what he had wanted to say? It might surprised you to learn that his memory might be well developed and […]
10 Golden rules for parents of children with a learning difficulty
Having a child with a learning difficulty may be leave parents feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and uncertain about what to do or where to go looking for help. Implementing these golden rules below should help you, and your child, navigate through the difficult times: Take one day at a time. Remember that you do not have […]
ADHD Myths – 7 things that are not true
ADHD is undoubtedly a controversial diagnosis. It presents with sets of confusing symptoms that may leave parents at a loss in trying to understand their child’s learning difficulty. Below we dispel some of the most commonly held myths: Myth 1: Hyperactive children are overstimulated I know it may be hard to believe, but children with […]
Helping your child with sensory processing disorder
If you suspect that your child might be suffering from Sensory Processing Disorder, it would be beneficial to have him assessed by an Educational Psychologist, Occupational Therapist or Peadiatrician. The sooner Sensory Processing Disorder is diagnosed, the sooner therapy can start and the better the chances of improvement. Treatment for Sensory Processing Disorder is mainly […]
What is sensory processing disorder?
The term sensory processing disorder is often bandied around – but what does it mean? Sensory processing (also known as sensory integration) is, in essence what your brain does with the information it receives from your senses. Without even realising it our sense organs are constantly gathering information from the environment around us and our […]
10 Myths about autism
Autism refers to a set of highly complex disorders also known as Autism Spectrum Disorders or Pervasive Developmental Disorders. It is important to remember that because it is a spectrum, each person with autism will face different challenges. The sudden rise in autism disorder diagnoses over the last 20 years has also resulted in a […]
Assessment as a tool to help plan support for a child
The aim of an assessment is not only to help identify a learning difficulty. Undoubtedly it is a relief for most parents to finally know why their child has been struggling, but this is only the first step. Once an in-depth assessment has been done and we have an overall, integrated picture of how the […]
The most common barriers to learning
The term “Barrier to learning” is often used interchangeably with the term “Learning Difficulty” – and even though barriers to learning may include learning difficulties, they cover so much more than just that. Barriers to learning refer to any difficulty or situation that may prevent a children from learning and can be loosely divided into […]
The effects of poverty on children
In trying to understand the effects of poverty on children we cannot simply look at the current situation but need to take into account the negative spiral that poverty creates. Poor children are most likely to grow into poor adults and poor parents and repeat the cycle of inter-generational poverty. Besides the obvious fact that […]
What to do if your child has a slow handwriting speed
Having slow handwriting can be very distressing for children during timed tasks such as tests and exams. I often get panicked phone calls from the parents children in higher grades about this. Unfortunately a slow handwriting speed is usually only identified in higher grades, when children simply can’t keep up with volume of work required. […]