Have you had reason to wonder whether your child suffers from sensory modulation disorder? Does your child seem overly sensitive to sensory input? Or perhaps he is under responsive to sounds, sights and smells that would send most people running in the opposite direction.
Sensory modulation refers to the process through which our brains regulate sensory input and organise this information for continued use. The following symptoms may indicate that your child has a sensory modulation difficulty:
- Your child cries a lot for no apparent reason or your child seems oblivious to being injured
- Your child has irregular sleeping patterns or poor sleeping habits
- Your child resists daily routine activities that include being touched (he might avoid changing his clothes, washing his hair or brushing his teeth)
- Your child is a fussy eater and complains about the texture of certain foods
- Your child had difficulties with potty training, or has poor bladder control or still wets the bed
- Your child doesn’t like to be hugged and resits cuddling
- Your child becomes distressed in a large crowd or busy and stimulating environment
- Your child tends to bash into his friends or family members when playing
- Yous child prefers to play by himself
- Your child hates being dirty
- Your child avoids or craves movement (such as that provided by Jungle Gyms, swings and merry-go-rounds)
- Your child is agitated by certain textures on his clothing (he may avoid wearing socks or insist that the labels in his clothes be removed.
If your recognise several of these symptoms in your child, you might consider having him assessed to ascertain whether he has a sensory modulation disorder.