Research has shown that parental involvement is vital to children’s academic success.
Here are some of the ways in ways in which parents can get involved and show interest in their child’s school career:
- One of the easiest ways in which to show an interest in your child’s education is to establish a daily family routine that supports learning. Ensure that children have a set bed time, that they have a quiet place to study and that the rules and boundaries at home tie in with the rules and boundaries at school.
- Monitor your child’s out of school activities. Find out who they hang out with in the afternoons, how much television they watch, etc.
- Express to them your high (but realistic) expectations for their achievement.
- Maintain a good working relationship with your child’s teacher and whatever you do – don’t badmouth her in front of your child. If you feel that she has certain shortcomings or that there is a personality clash between the teacher and your child address these through the right channels, but saying negative things about a teacher in front of a child might cause him to treat her in a disrespectful way, which usually results in a pretty miserable year spent together for both the child and the teacher.
- Remember that parents have a voice in the policies and decisions implemented at their child’s schools. Be sure to attend the school’s AGM and join the parent representative body at your child’s school.
- You might not always be able to attend school functions or parent-teacher meetings, but stay involved with the school by organising a special interest group such as a hiking / photography / gardening group that fits in with your hobbies or interests.
- Get to know the other parents at your child’s school.
- Ask grandparents, aunts or uncles to attend school functions and report back to you when you can’t attend.