Empowering Your Child to Stand Up for Themselves: Five Key Phrases

As parents, one of our most important roles is to equip our children with the tools they need to navigate the world confidently and assertively. One area where many children struggle is in standing up for themselves. If your child finds it difficult to assert their boundaries or advocate for their needs, teaching them specific phrases can be incredibly helpful. Here are five important phrases you can teach your child to use in various challenging situations.

1. “I need you to stop bothering me and leave me alone.”

This phrase empowers your child to call out unwanted behavior directly. By saying this, they are expressing that they have recognized the behavior as bothersome and are confident enough to demand that it stops. It’s a clear, straightforward way for them to assert their need for personal space and respect.

2. “I don’t like being called that. Call me by my name.”

Respectful interaction is fundamental in all relationships, and your child deserves to be called by their name rather than any derogatory or unwanted nicknames. This phrase helps them communicate their expectation for respectful behavior and establishes a boundary against verbal abuse. It teaches them to stand up for their identity and personal dignity.

3. “I didn’t have control over that, and it’s not okay to blame me.”

Accountability is crucial, and this phrase helps your child articulate that they will not accept being unfairly blamed for things beyond their control. It’s an important reminder that everyone is responsible for their own actions. This statement also reinforces the idea that your child values fairness and will stand up against unjust treatment.

4. “I can see that you’re unhappy, but I will not let you treat me like this.”

This phrase acknowledges the other person’s feelings while simultaneously setting a firm boundary. It teaches your child that while empathy is important, it does not require them to accept mistreatment. By using this phrase, they demonstrate self-advocacy and an understanding of healthy boundaries in relationships.

5. “This is not safe. I’m going to get someone to help.”

Safety is a top priority, and it’s essential for your child to know that it’s okay to seek help when needed. This phrase empowers them to recognize unsafe situations and take action to protect themselves. It communicates that they are not afraid to ask for assistance and reinforces the importance of their well-being.


Giving your child the tools to be assertive will help keep them safe both physically and emotionally, especially in situations where you might not be around to protect them. By teaching these phrases, you’re helping your child build confidence, set healthy boundaries, and develop a strong sense of self-advocacy. Encouraging them to use these phrases in appropriate situations can significantly impact their ability to stand up for themselves and navigate social interactions with greater ease and assurance.

Watch a helpful video on this topic below:

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