Learning maths skills early on is easy!

Children use early math skills in everything they do. We call these developing maths skills: numeracy – the ability to understand and work with numbers. Even simple routines like tidying up, brushing teeth and going shopping can be used as opportunities to teach your child about math. Math is Everywhere! Mathematics helps children to makes […]
How to raise an emotionally intelligent child

An emotionally intelligent child is far more likely to achieve success in life than a child who struggles to manage his emotions. Here are some tips on how you can help your child develop his emotional intelligence. Hear and feel it Acknowledge your child’s feelings and empathise with them, even if you can’t do anything […]
Teaching your child to share
Here is a simple guide to teaching your child to share: Every parent understands the frustration that can sometimes come with trying to get a toddler to share. In a sense, difficulty in sharing at this age is a good indication – it points to the fact that your child is starting to develop his […]
How to help your baby’s brain grow
Let’s first look at what science has taught us about how your baby’s brain grows: Thanks to research we now know that our brains develop and change throughout our lifetimes, but the most important foundation for brain development is laid in early childhood. The experiences we have as young children affect the physical architecture of […]
Separation Anxiety
How should you deal with separation anxiety? Although it can make life rather difficult for parents, separation anxiety is a normal stage of your child’s development. It is an indication that your child has formed a secure attachment to you and feels happy and safe when they’re with you. Being separated from you for short […]
Thoughts on hysterical moms
I work with many different types of people in my practice and in all honesty I have to admit that I have worked with mothers whom I myself have secretly labelled as “completely hysterical”. You also hear it from other people around them: many a father has sat on my couch and referred to the […]
Teenage Pregnancy
Even though recent studies suggest that the teenage pregnancy rate in South Africa has remained relatively stable in recent years, it is difficult to ignore the fact that 71 out of every 1000 births annually are to teenage mothers. In 2013 there were 99 000 teenage pregnancies in our country (that’s 271 girls falling pregnant […]
When kids are too scared to try
It breaks my heart. They sit at my desk looking like deer in headlights: eyes wide; nostrils flaring and stubbornly, resolutely refusing to even just try. Their potential is so obvious! I know that if I could fast forward into the future these will be the star athletes, ground-breaking scientist and award-winning actresses of tomorrow […]
How to help children with Selective Mutism
Children with selective mutism are physically capable of speaking, but do not speak in specific situations or to specific people. For more information on Selective Mutism and how it presents in children, read this article: http://www.childpsych.co.za/barriers-to-learning/selective-mutism/ Selective Mutism (SM) is a debilitating disorder and may have a very negative impact on a child’s daily functioning in […]
Vervroegde puberteit
Vervroegde puberteit verwys na die verskynsel waar ‘n kind se liggaam op ‘n te vroee ouderdom in ‘n volwasse liggaam begin verander. Dit kan met meisies sowel as seuns gebeur, maar meisies is 10 keer meer waarskynlik om aan vervroegde puberteit te lei as seuns. Met normale aanvang van puberteit vind veranderinge in biologiese, psigiese […]