A Short Guide to Bonding with your Newborn

The first three months of your baby’s life is one of the most important times for bonding and attachment. Much development is still taking place in the tiny body and it can be a challenging time for your newborn as they adjust to the outside world. Luckily, there are many ways to bond with your newborn in […]

How often should you have your child’s vision and hearing checked?

Children’s senses play a major role in how they learn, interpret, develop and adapt to their environments. Therefore, it is important to test your child’s vision and hearing very early on to ensure correct development and to tend to any problems that may emerge over time.  To evaluate your child’s vision and hearing, you should have several professional tests […]

How to repair a broken parent-child relationship

The relationship between a parent and a child is incredibly valuable. This relationship is one that nurtures the emotional, social and physical development of the child. But often even the best of intentions are not enough to avoid strain and even fights between parent and child. If the relationship has become strained or tense, it […]

How To Raise Confident Children

Fear is the enemy of confidence

Confident children are more likely to succeed in school and achieve their personal goals.  Unfortunately, fear is one of the biggest enemies of confidence. Children who lack confidence may be hesitant to try new things because they are afraid of failing or disappointing themselves or others. While it is a good learning school for children […]

Helping Your Child Succeed at School: Academic Success Pt2


In our previous blog on helping your child succeed at school, we discussed a few contributing factors to your child’s academic success and general school performance. Today, we take it a step further with additional tips to improve the cognitive and overall performance of your child at school. Keep reading below.    Helping Your Child Succeed at School: Read Together […]

Academic Success: How Can I Help My Child Succeed at School?


A child’s academic success is highly dependent on a variety of contributing factors. Parents are able to assist with their child’s success at school in numerous ways.  This ranges from keeping in touch with teachers to incorporating home reading in their daily routine. There are so many ways to help your child on their path to academic success. Like most things concerning your child, rules are important. Children function best when they have structure […]

Early Learning: Auditory Perception – part 3

Educational psychologist Anel Annandale discusses the final three aspects of auditory perception

Welcome to this 4th video post in our series on Early Learning!  Today we are going to be discussing the final three aspects of auditory perception.  If you haven’t watched the previous videos in this series be sure to catch them. You can find the videos by clicking on the links at the bottom of […]

Early Learning: Auditory Perception – Part 2

Watch this third video in our Early Learning series on Auditory Perception here

Welcome to this third installment in our Early Learning series.  Today we are going to delve a little deeper into aspects of Auditory Perception and why they are important for learning to read.  If you haven’t watched the previous two video in our Early Learning series I would really encourage you to do so.  You’ll […]

How Can You Help a Child with ADD at Home?

Help a child with ADD by maintaining a sense of humour

Parenting a child or teen with attention deficit disorder (ADHD or sometime also called ADD) can be frustrating.  Sometimes even plain overwhelming. But as a parent you can help your child overcome daily challenges, channel their energy into positive arenas, and bring greater calm to your family. Tip 1: In order to help a child […]

How to help a child with Dyscalculia

Dyscalculia is a difficulty in understanding numbers and their relationship

Dyscalculia is still a relatively unknown disorder.  But awareness around this difficulty is slowly growing. Children with Dyscalculia find it difficult to understand numbers and their relationship. It is a developmental disorder that involves difficulty conceptualizing and performing mathematics. Has your child been diagnosed with Dyscalculia?  Here are some practical ways in which you can […]