How to help your child cope with divorce

Going through a divorce or separation is difficult for the whole family. But it is often the children that struggle the most to cope with the loss as well as the new changes. Let’s take an in-depth look at the best ways of helping your child cope with divorce, while still being realistic about the situation: […]
Learning games you can play while on the go

Whether you’re running errands or going on holiday, travelling with small children can be stressful. Luckily, children are curious and new environments can quickly stimulate their imagination. This makes it easy for you to play simple games with your children while travelling. Make the journey fun with these five games you can play while on […]
Parenting how to: Home Made Paint

If you’re a parent, one of the things you are definitely going to want to be able to know how to do is to make home made paint. It’s exactly the kind of magic trick you are going to need up your sleeve for those unexpected situations. Like when it rains unexpectedly on your family […]
Teaching your child to effectively resolve conflict

Conflict resolution skills can be tough to learn, even for some adults. Early education in this field can help children to start thinking about how they feel, how they react and what words and actions they use when confronted with conflict. This assists them to develop practical conflict resolution skills that can enhance their general […]
How to teach your child to stand up for herself

As an adult, you know how difficult it can be to stand up for yourself in certain situations. Being assertive is a skill that has to be learnt over time, ideally from a young age. The benefits of being assertive include enhanced self-confidence, understanding your feelings, earning respect from others and improved communication. As a […]
How to bring an element of fun to parenting

Balancing all the aspects of parenting can be exhausting. But between all the challenging tasks, there are ways to make parenting fun for both you and your kids. Bringing a fun element will not only relieve the stresses that come with parenting but will also ensure the general happiness of your entire family. Ways […]
The importance of family rituals

Family life can be busy. There is a lot going on with work, school, doing homework, going to extra-mural activities, cooking meals, and making sure everyone has fun too. Busy schedules can affect children in many ways. They may become stressed, feel anxious or get overwhelmed. One way to ensure a sense of stability for […]
The importance of auditory processing as part of your child’s development

Sensory processing is necessary for understanding and producing language. This usually starts from a very early age, as children hear and respond to auditory cues. The processing of sounds refers to auditory processing. Let’s take an in-depth look at exactly how this works and complications that can hinder the development of auditory skills. What is auditory processing? Auditory […]
How to Teach Your Child about Bullying

Bullying involves repeated unwanted behaviour in which children use physical strength or embarrassing information to harm other children. Unfortunately, this behaviour is very common in schools and it can lead to insecurity, anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts in young children. But how do you teach your child about bullying and its effects? To find […]
The Importance of Pre-Literacy Skills

Research has shown that children who develop pre-literacy skills are at an advantage of learning to read and write when they start primary school. These skills begin to form very early in life as young ones learn to use verbal and nonverbal communication techniques to express themselves. Pre-literacy skills are derived from consistently being exposed to language-and print-rich environments. […]