Fostering a love of reading in children: Ages 6 to 8 years

Fostering a love of reading in children: Ages 6 to 8 years At this age, your little baby has grown and changed in leaps and bounds and her appetite for knowledge is almost insatiable. She is able to understand feelings and relate them to other people (no longer being as self-centred as she was before […]
Tips on how to develop a love of reading in children: Ages 3 to 5 years
Developing a love of reading in children: Ages 3 to 5 years At this age, children are beginning to develop an appreciation of different letters, numbers, symbols and what they represent. They have also nearly mastered an understanding of different seasons, colours and shapes, as well as the basic concept of time, in terms of […]
Tips on how to develop a love of reading in children: Birth to 3 years

Birth to 3 years A child’s earliest learning comes to him before the age of 5 years in the environments he is exposed to, which are most often the home and perhaps a day-care centre or pre-school. Obviously then, the more you expose your child to in this period, the more extensive his learning will […]
More strategies to use when reading with your child at home

Here are some other strategies that you can make use of when reading with your child at home: Pre-reading strategies – look at the title and available pictures with your child and discuss what you think the story may be about. Question, question, question: Stop reading at regular intervals and ask your child questions about […]
Strategies to use when reading with your child at home

There are several useful strategies that parents can make use of when reading with their children at home, as we need to bear in mind that children are individuals and one method is not necessarily going to work for every child. Paired reading becomes useful, as instead of listening to the child read, the parent […]
Reading methods taught at school

Schools use different methods to teach reading. For example: The phonics method; this is the term used for teaching reading wherein individual letters of the alphabet are matched with the specific sounds of the languages pronunciation. So ‘cat’ is read as ‘c-a-t’ and the child then runs the sounds together to say ‘cat’. This method […]
Childpsych Pinterest Page
Check out the Childpsych Pinterest page for great ideas and activities on fine motor, gross motor, perceptual, numeracy and literacy development. We will also be adding boards on sensory exploration and fun science ideas to this mix.
Should you be getting rid of the TV for the kids’ sake?

I grew up in a house where we spent about 90% of our free time watching Television. We watched the 7 am cartoon while we were having breakfast and tuned in to K-TV when we got back from school in the afternoons. My mother had the good sense to deny us access to the TV […]
A call to South African Educators

My experience in working both as a teacher and later as an Educational psychologist in school settings has helped me appreciate exactly how crucial a role educators play in the lives of our children. It is a thankless, never-ending job. A teacher’s day typically starts just after 7 am (if it’s not staff meetings, it’s […]
What is a child psychologist?

I answered a telephonic inquiry to my practice a few days ago and found myself blowing bubbles while trying to explain exactly what a child psychologist is and what it is that they do. You see, the answer to this seemingly simple question is in fact amazingly complex. Why? Well, because technically there is no […]