ADHD – Tips for Teachers

Managing a busy classroom can be stressful at the best of times. But there is a lot that you can do to support your learners diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. These interventions include classroom layout, lesson presentation and behaviour modification techniques Classroom layout •Arrange desks in rows or semi-circles rather than in groups. •Place the […]
More maths concepts for preschoolers
In a previous post (Kids learning to do maths: Early numeracy skills) I mentioned how important is to use mathematical terms as you go about your everyday tasks as a way to introduce maths concepts for preschoolers. Many math and science geniuses maintain that maths is just a language and when you understand the terms and you […]
How parents can get involved in their child’s education
Research has shown that parental involvement is vital to children’s academic success. Here are some of the ways in ways in which parents can get involved and show interest in their child’s school career: One of the easiest ways in which to show an interest in your child’s education is to establish a daily family routine […]
The importance of parental involvement in children’s school achievement
We all generally agree that schooling and education are vitally important to a child’s success in later life, but few people realise that children still spend the majority of their time outside of school. Parents thus play a very big role in shaping their children’s beliefs and attitudes towards school and schoolwork. Research has shown […]
IEB concessions / accommodation application process
A recent psycho-educational assessment is often required when making an application for an IEB Accommodation / Concession. However the decision as to whether an accommodation will be granted lies with the IEB and its accommodations panel NOT with the practitioner who conducted the assessment or with the school. The following guidelines outline the general application […]
Help your child succeed in school
There are general things that you can do as a parent to help your child succeed in school. Success in life and at school is about more than just the child’s intellectual ability or IQ, it is essential that we consider a child’s emotional intelligence, talents and self-esteem. Talents need to be identified and […]
Maths games for kids

Unfortunately many kids dislike math. It’s almost become a mental block and this is not helped by parents who happily claim, “Oh, I was no good at maths either”. The funny thing is, most young children enjoy learning to count as they enjoy the rhythm and the precision involved. And it’s really quite easy for […]
Writing exercises for children

Children need to be able to communicate appropriately in written form. Unfortunately this no longer means strictly pen on paper and so things such as writing and perfect penmanship are almost considered a thing of the past but this does not mean that your child should be allowed to scribble and work untidily. Writing requires […]
Reading games for foundation stage

Early reading – these reading games for foundation stage learners will help them master sight words and basic spelling words: Word Bingo: create a grid on a page and laminate it. Write your child’s sight words or spelling words on the grid with a white board marker and play bingo. She would need to read […]
Reading games for preschool kids
Here are some reading games to play with your preschool kids: I spy: play I-spy to introduce phonics, ensuring that you use the letter sound and not the name, for example, ‘ah’ (a), ‘buh’ (b), ‘cuh’ (c), rather than ‘Ay’ (A) ‘Bee’(B), ‘See’(C). The game goes like this: “I spy with my little eye, something […]