Tips on how to develop a love of reading in children: Birth to 3 years

Birth to 3 years A child’s earliest learning comes to him before the age of 5 years in the environments he is exposed to, which are most often the home and perhaps a day-care centre or pre-school. Obviously then, the more you expose your child to in this period, the more extensive his learning will […]
Childpsych Pinterest Page
Check out the Childpsych Pinterest page for great ideas and activities on fine motor, gross motor, perceptual, numeracy and literacy development. We will also be adding boards on sensory exploration and fun science ideas to this mix.
Great activities to stimulate your pre-school child’s senses

Sensory experiences in the early years form the foundation for all your child’s future learning. Here are some of my favourite activities to engage their senses. Remember – the more senses you can engage in the same activity the better: * Gardening. Toes squelching in the mud, running through the sprinkler system, smelling all the […]
Children learn through their senses
Have you ever wondered what happens inside your child’s brain when he smells a new flower or sees an unfamiliar insect? In that moment of quiet attention the sensory system sends a high speed signal to neurons in the relevant section of the brain to process some of the incoming information (small, red and black […]
Video: Ideas to promote fine motor development in your pre-school child
Watch this videofor some ideas on how you can promote fine motor development in your pre-school child:
5 ways to help your baby’s brain develop after birth

Follow these 5 simple rules to support your baby’s brain development: Help your baby get enough sleep. REM sleep is especially important as it is believed to help a baby’s brain digest and store all the information it receives while awake. Babies spend 80% of their sleep time in REM sleep, while adultsHelp […]
Your baby’s brain development after birth

Even though your baby’s brain starts developing about 20 days after conception, brain development isn’t finished at birth and will continue throughout childhood into early adulthood. Babies are born with the basic building blocks (neurons) for learning but they need stimulation to further develop synapses. Put simply, synapses are the connections that form between neurons […]
Should you be getting rid of the TV for the kids’ sake?

I grew up in a house where we spent about 90% of our free time watching Television. We watched the 7 am cartoon while we were having breakfast and tuned in to K-TV when we got back from school in the afternoons. My mother had the good sense to deny us access to the TV […]
A call to South African Educators

My experience in working both as a teacher and later as an Educational psychologist in school settings has helped me appreciate exactly how crucial a role educators play in the lives of our children. It is a thankless, never-ending job. A teacher’s day typically starts just after 7 am (if it’s not staff meetings, it’s […]
What is a child psychologist?

I answered a telephonic inquiry to my practice a few days ago and found myself blowing bubbles while trying to explain exactly what a child psychologist is and what it is that they do. You see, the answer to this seemingly simple question is in fact amazingly complex. Why? Well, because technically there is no […]