The Importance of Reading in a Child’s Development
It’s undeniable that a child’s reading skills are important to their success in school, work, and life in general. And it is very possible to help ensure your child’s success by reading to them starting at a very early age. Here are some of the top reasons that reading to your children is beneficial to […]
The benefits of reading to children

The benefits of reading far outweigh that of almost any other educational activity. By making every day reading a priority for your family, you are not only enhancing your child’s chances of success but also helping to make them kinder, more grounded individuals. Here are some of the ways in which reading can be beneficial. […]
The Importance of Play in a Child’s Development
Play is critical for children’s development because it provides time and space for children to explore and gain skills needed for adult life. Children’s playtime has steadily decreased due to limited access to play spaces, changes in the way children are expected to spend their time, parent concerns for safety, and digital media use. Between […]
Developing social skills in young children
Social skills are what enables us to live successfully and relatively peacefully among other people. Learning to interact with others is a very important aspect of your child’s development for as she grows she will slowly move from spending most of her time with family members and close friends in a protected home environment to spending […]
Teaching your child to share
Here is a simple guide to teaching your child to share: Every parent understands the frustration that can sometimes come with trying to get a toddler to share. In a sense, difficulty in sharing at this age is a good indication – it points to the fact that your child is starting to develop his […]
How to help your baby’s brain grow
Let’s first look at what science has taught us about how your baby’s brain grows: Thanks to research we now know that our brains develop and change throughout our lifetimes, but the most important foundation for brain development is laid in early childhood. The experiences we have as young children affect the physical architecture of […]
Separation Anxiety
How should you deal with separation anxiety? Although it can make life rather difficult for parents, separation anxiety is a normal stage of your child’s development. It is an indication that your child has formed a secure attachment to you and feels happy and safe when they’re with you. Being separated from you for short […]
Child Development: Fine Motor Skills
Fine motor development Fine motor development refers to the development of the little muscles in the hands, wrists and fingers. By strengthening these little muscles your child will be able to refine the movements of the hands and fingers and will be able to exert greater control over tasks that require fine work (such as […]
Baby’s development: 7 – 12 months
Child Development 7 – 12 months Hello world! The second half of your baby’s first year is all about exploring and her increasing mobility helps her to do exactly that. Let’s look at some of the developmental milestones you can expect to see at this age. Remember however that these are merely guidelines and that […]
Baby’s development: 0-6 months

Your baby’s development: 0 -6 months At first glance one might not note much difference between a new born baby and a 6-month old baby, but you’ll never guess how much development has taken place in this short space of time! Here are some of the developmental milestones you can expect to see during your […]