Early Learning: Auditory Perception – part 3

Educational psychologist Anel Annandale discusses the final three aspects of auditory perception

Welcome to this 4th video post in our series on Early Learning!  Today we are going to be discussing the final three aspects of auditory perception.  If you haven’t watched the previous videos in this series be sure to catch them. You can find the videos by clicking on the links at the bottom of […]

Early Learning: Auditory Perception – Part 2

Watch this third video in our Early Learning series on Auditory Perception here

Welcome to this third installment in our Early Learning series.  Today we are going to delve a little deeper into aspects of Auditory Perception and why they are important for learning to read.  If you haven’t watched the previous two video in our Early Learning series I would really encourage you to do so.  You’ll […]

Early Learning: Auditory Perception – Part 1

Anel Annandale discuss the importance of Auditory Perception in Early Learning

Welcome back to this second installment in our Early Learning Series.  In last week’s video we looked at three important principles to keep in mind when teaching young children.  In the introduction, I had also mentioned that we would be dividing the series up into four divisions.  These are: Auditory Perception, Visual Perception, Concept Development […]

Tools for Child-Centered Play Therapy vs. Adult Play Therapy


Play therapy (child-centered play therapy and adult play therapy) is a psychological intervention recognised and renowned for its treatment of various psychological disorders. In part two of our blog series on play therapy, we discussed the various benefits of play therapy for individuals diagnosed with psychological disorders. Today, we take a look at the variety of instruments employed in child-centered therapy (CCPT) versus adult […]

Principles of Early Learning

Keep these three principles of early learning in mind as you work with your child

Early Learning Series: I’m so excited to launch this video article in a series on Early Learning.  Throughout this series I am going to teach you the foundational skills that your child needs to learn to read and do maths.  Pre-literacy skills and pre-numeracy skills help to build brains, and this is what we’re going […]

Types of Play Therapy for Various Disorders


There are various types of play therapy suited to different diagnoses. In our previous blog on play therapy, we defined this psychological intervention while highlighting a few of its benefits. This blog serves to talk about how play therapy can be beneficial for those diagnosed with autism, anxiety, ADHD and other conditions. Play therapy has a profound number […]

Part One: What Exactly is Play Therapy?


Play Therapy: An Introduction  Play therapy has been around for a long time. It is aimed at adults and children alike. As a type of therapy that suggestively involves actual playing, it has recently been geared towards various disorders, such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This blog explores what this type of therapy actually is, while taking a look […]

Good Fine Motor Skills are important – here’s why:

Good fine motor skills are a determining factor to your child’s academic success.  As a parent, you play a very important role in your child’s overall development, and this includes the development of their fine motor skills. One of the most important things that you can do for your child’s development is giving them fun […]

How Can You Help a Child Struggling with Fine Motor Development?

Drawing is an easy way to practice fine motor skills

Fine Motor Development is an important aspect of school readiness. When kids have good fine motor skills they can complete basic everyday tasks easily.  Things like: picking up small items, writing, colouring, cutting and tying their shoelaces. And so, if your child experiences difficulties with these activities they might have problems with fine motor development. […]