How to improve your child’s literacy development at home

Learning experiences play a major role in the language development as well as conceptual development of children. These experiences are very personal to each learner, and the home is the best way to begin learning from birth and extend the learning throughout the school career. How to make literacy part of your home Enhance vocabulary […]
Encouraging a growth mindset in your child

For a thriving, happy life, children need to develop the right mindset early on. When teaching children their brains are capable of growing, they feel empowered and more confident to take on tasks and overcome challenges. How we think about our abilities and potential is part of our mindset. This can greatly influence our behaviour […]
Parenting how to: Home Made Paint

If you’re a parent, one of the things you are definitely going to want to be able to know how to do is to make home made paint. It’s exactly the kind of magic trick you are going to need up your sleeve for those unexpected situations. Like when it rains unexpectedly on your family […]
The Importance of Early Childhood Education

The ways in which children develop in the early years have major effects on their physical, social and emotional well being in the future. Therefore, it is incredibly important to understand the role that early childhood education (ECE) plays in children’s lives. During the period of birth to eight years old, the brain develops the majority […]
Learning to read: how to introduce more complex sounds

Welcome back to our series on Early Learning and a special welcome to all our new followers! We have many new people who have joined our little community this week. In last week’s video I showed you the basics on how to teach your child to read. And we focused mainly on phonics and words […]
Helping Your Child Succeed at School: Academic Success Pt2

In our previous blog on helping your child succeed at school, we discussed a few contributing factors to your child’s academic success and general school performance. Today, we take it a step further with additional tips to improve the cognitive and overall performance of your child at school. Keep reading below. Helping Your Child Succeed at School: Read Together […]
Concept Development

The 9th video blog in our series on early Learning is on Concept Development. And it is very important as children first need to understand these concepts before they can move onto a complex task such as reading. Keep in mind that concepts development takes place over time, it’s not something that children are able […]
Teaching basic Arithmetic to young children

What is basic Arithmetic? Welcome to this 8th video article in our Early Learning Series. In this video I’m going to show you how to teach your child the functions of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. (This is known as basic arithmetic). Because once you child has mastered these concepts he will have a very […]
Anxiety in Children – Signs, Symptoms & Treatment

From time to time, anxiety in children can be viewed as normal as it comes with life changes and different stages of development. But when should you as a parent become concerned about your child’s anxiety? We answer common questions asked by parents regarding anxiety in children below. What Causes Anxiety in Children? Anxiety is prevalent in […]
Early Learning: Visual Perception Part 1

Welcome to this 5 video blog in our Early Learning series. With this video we move on from Auditory Perception to Visual Perception. If you are new to this series, please keep in mind that all the aspects we are going to be discussing are interlinked. So be sure to catch up on the previous […]