Grow a tale: Parent workshop
Story telling is an art as old as the hills and children of all ages love listening to stories. A good story can inspire, teach and even heal and playtherapists often use stories in the form of narrative therapy with young children. If you live in the Cape Town area, consider joining Lisa Cohen for […]
Kids learning to read: Pre-literacy skills
Kids learning to read … Learning to decode arbitrary symbols into spoken language … learning to gather information from authors who are not physically present and in some cases, might not even be alive anymore … It truly is a miracle! Reading is definitely no small feat and all Grade 1 teachers undoubtedly deserve heaps […]
Crying at school
You knew this would happen. You were prepared for it. All along while you had paid the deposit and bought the new stationary you were expecting a few tears from your little one on his first few days of pre-school. Why then, when you left him this morning with tears brimming in his eyes, perhaps […]
Tips for passing the school readiness assessment

Tips for passing the school readiness assessment Now, of course I won’t be giving you tips on how to help your child cheat on the school readiness assessment, as that would be unethical and would completely defeat the object of the assessment. But many of the school readiness assessments standardised for use in South Africa […]
Early Childhood Education benefits all
Early Childhood Education benefits all It is widely known that the most significant growth en development happens in the early years of a child’s life. It is during this time that the foundation for life long learning is laid. Children’s experiences in infancy and early childhood will have extensive influences on their physical and neurobiological […]
The difference between Clinical, Counselling and Educational Psychology
The difference between Clinical, Counselling, and Educational Psychology: For most parents, finding a psychologist to send their child to is a pretty daunting task. This is often complicated even further by the lack of knowledge around the different disciplines and the apparent cross over between the services offered by each. Who does what? And how […]
Anel’s top 20 favourite activities to enhance fine motor development
Anel’s top 20 favourite activities to enhance fine motor development Colouring, drawing, cutting and tracing are all wonderful activities to enhance fine motor skills. But many young children, especially boys, find these activities boring and often despise having to spend time sitting still at a desk completing worksheets. There are so many other wonderful and […]
Early Motor Control and Motor Development
Early Motor Control and Motor Development Motor development and control is the most important accomplishment of early life, and therefore the greatest percentage of brain activity at this age is organized for reaching, grasping, turning, lifting, lugging oneself upward first onto the knees, and then finally getting ready to take those first lumbering uncertain steps.
Early Language Development
Early Language Development: Conversational skills start as early as birth when babies have face-to-face interactions with their parents. These are particularly frequent and become very exciting at about 3 – 6 months of age when babies make more frequent eye contact, smile, make funny faces, coo and make funny sounds. Psychologists analysed early verbal interactions […]
Does infant massage really work?
Physiotherapists and mid-wives have long hailed the benefits of infant massage, but does it really work? And what does it do? A recent research study observed a group of hospitalized, pre-mature infants receiving 3 x 15-minutes massages for 10 days and found that the massage held some very real benefits for both the infants and […]