Why do children lie
Actor Al Pacino once famously said: “I always tell the truth, even when I’m lying”. And like old Al, very few adults can claim to have always told the truth (cross your heart and hope to die). But where does it start and why do children lie? Young children usually lie in an effort to protect […]
94.5 KFM Interview
Tune into 94.5 KFM between now and 5pm for my interview with Carmel of Eye Witness News about some of the problems currently facing Education in our country.
FAQ’s about the global assessment

I am often asked the following questions about the global assessment of functioning. (Please note that the answers below relate only to my practice – as Anel Annandale. If you would like to inquire about a global assessment with any of the other psychologists listed on this website, please contact them directly). How long does […]
Accommodations and Concessions
Are you considering applying to the IEB for accommodations or concessions for your child? Physical disabilities and Learning difficulties such as Dyslexia, ADHD, Dyscalculia, etc can act as a giant hurdle to your child achieving to their full potential. If your child has a physical disability or learning difficulty chat to his teachers about the possibility of […]
Hello Doctor Programme
Don’t miss me and my 15 minutes of fame this Sunday on Hello Doctor at 4pm on SABC3 – the insert deals with stress in children.
How to get the most from a psycho-educational assessment

Has your child’s teacher suggested that they need a psycho-educational assessment? This often comes as a rather nasty surprise to most parents. It’s what economists call a grudge purchase. Not something you get because you really want it but because you feel you have to. Here are some tips to help you get the most […]
School readiness: The importance of emotional maturity
School readiness depends as much on emotional maturity as it does on scholastic ability. In order to be deemed cognitively school ready, children need to achieve a test age of 6 years 3 months on school readiness assessments. Yet, I have assessed many children who have scored much higher than this and still recommended that […]
Kids learning to read: Pre-literacy skills
Kids learning to read … Learning to decode arbitrary symbols into spoken language … learning to gather information from authors who are not physically present and in some cases, might not even be alive anymore … It truly is a miracle! Reading is definitely no small feat and all Grade 1 teachers undoubtedly deserve heaps […]
The great Ritalin debate
Ritalin – friend or foe? I am often asked to give my opinion on the use of Ritalin (and it’s counterparts) in the treatment of children with ADD or ADHD. The question usually comes from parents whose children have recently been diagnosed, confused by the multitude of conflicting reports and opinions on the subject. Truthfully, […]
How is ADHD diagnosed?

How is ADHD diagnosed? The majority of my referrals come from teachers, suspecting that a child in their class suffers from ADHD / ADD. And although teachers are not qualified to make this diagnosis, I have to honestly admit that 90% of the time they are right on the money. So, heed the teacher’s call. […]