5 negative emotions your child needs to experience

Boredom is one of the negative emotions your child needs to experience

Everybody loves the positive emotions, right?! Bring on happiness, joy, pride and love by the truck full.  But negative emotions make us feel uncomfortable and often, we do our utter best to avoid them. Yet, negative emotions are important. We probably all agree that people who are able to control their emotions navigate the difficulties […]

Teenage Pregnancy

Even though recent studies suggest that the teenage pregnancy rate in South Africa has remained relatively stable in recent years, it is difficult to ignore the fact that 71 out of every 1000 births annually are to teenage mothers.  In 2013 there were 99 000 teenage pregnancies in our country (that’s 271 girls falling pregnant […]

Lithium as a treatment in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

When I say the word “Lithium” many of you may make a loose association in your head with the word “depression”. And you’d be on the right track.  In 1949 Australian psychiatrist John Cade first published a paper on the use of Lithium in the treatment of acute mania.  Since then it has grown to […]

When kids are too scared to try

It breaks my heart.  They sit at my desk looking like deer in headlights: eyes wide; nostrils flaring and stubbornly, resolutely refusing to even just try.   Their potential is so obvious!  I know that if I could fast forward into the future these will be the star athletes, ground-breaking scientist and award-winning actresses of tomorrow […]

How to help children with Selective Mutism

Children with selective mutism are physically capable of speaking, but do not speak in specific situations or to specific people. For more information on Selective Mutism and how it presents in children, read this article: http://www.childpsych.co.za/barriers-to-learning/selective-mutism/ Selective Mutism (SM) is a debilitating disorder and may have a very negative impact on a child’s daily functioning in […]

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Kinders: hoekom slaap belangrik is

Om te verstaan hoe belangrik slaap vir ons oorlewing is, is dit belangrik om te kyk na wat gebeur as jy nie genoeg slaap nie. ‘n Tekort aan slaap het ‘n skrikwekkend negatiewe effek op die brein waarvan knorrigheid, prikkelbaarheid, onstuimige emosies, vergeetagtigheid, die onvermoë om te konsentreer, ‘n aangetaste geheue en swak taalbeheer maar […]

Verwag jy te veel van jou kind?

Vermoed jy dat jy dalk te veel druk op jou kinders plaas?  Kla jou kind gereeld dat sy oorwelding voel of voel dat sy nie goed genoeg is nie of  niks kan reg doen nie?  Is woede-uitabrstings en tranedalle ‘n gereelde verskynsel in jou huis ?  Indien wel , is dit dalk nodig om jou […]

Kinder veiligheid

As ‘n sielkundige werk ek met kinders met uiteenlopende agtergronde en omstanghede en is bekommerd oor die skerp toename in angsvlakke wat ek onlangs in kinders merk.  Ek glo daar is ‘n dubbele rede vir hierdie toename: Die hoee misdaad syfer in Suid – Afrika kan nie misgekyk word nie. As jou gesin gelukkig genoeg […]

Vervroegde puberteit

Vervroegde puberteit verwys na die verskynsel waar ‘n kind se liggaam op ‘n te vroee ouderdom in ‘n volwasse liggaam begin verander.  Dit kan met meisies sowel as seuns gebeur, maar meisies is 10 keer meer waarskynlik om aan vervroegde puberteit te lei as seuns. Met normale aanvang van puberteit vind veranderinge in biologiese, psigiese […]