Learning styles and exam techniques
Melanie Hartgill
Over the years in my practice I have discovered that there are as many different approaches to learning as there are people, however, one thing that stands out for me is the fact that there are only really three main learning styles (although there may be variations on the theme). I think it’s important to look at these different styles with the intention of finding the most appropriate learning method for ourselves and for our children, after all, they may not learn the way we do so we need to determine the best way to assist our children without imposing our methods on them.
So what are the three methods and how do we determine which is the best method for each person? Three of our five senses are used primarily when learning, storing, recalling and retrieving information. Just as we are predominantly left or right brained, so we tend to use one modality more than the others, thus we are either visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learners; thus we may have elements of every category but are likely to prefer or be stronger with one method. However, what is clear is that the more senses we use to learn something, the more likely we are to remember it; just as the more we use the information, the easier it is to recall and access it. What follows is an explanation of each type of learner, to help with identification of the learning style, as well as specific suggestions on how to learn most appropriately through that method. Please note this is not meant as an exhaustive list of characteristics or suggestions.
Visual learners:
These learners learn best by seeing. Some of the characteristics of visual learners are:
Good at faces but forgets names
May think in pictures
Learns best from visual displays, such as, illustrations, diagrams, overhead transparencies, videos, flipcharts, worksheets, hand-outs, etc.
Prefer to take comprehensive notes
Needs quiet study time
Usually a good speller
Likes to read
Memorises by seeing
Often closes eyes to recall information or spelling
Notices details
Observes rather than talks or acts
Likes colours and diagrams
Understands/likes charts.
Mind may stray during verbal activities
Study methods for the visual learner:
Takes notes and summaries of your material
Use cue words
Use highlighters and coloured pens to summarise
Make mind maps
Use mnemonics, acronyms and visual chains
Use the computer to organize materials and to create graphs, tables, charts and spreadsheets.
Auditory learners:
These learners learn best by hearing. Characteristics include:
Likes to read to self out loud
Talks to self aloud
Is not afraid to speak in class
Easily distracted
Hums or sings, tends to enjoy music
Likes oral reports
Likes to be read to
Is good at explaining
Remembers names
Reads slowly
Follows spoken directions well
Can’t keep quiet for long periods
Study methods for the auditory learner:
Using word association to remember facts and lines
Watching videos
Repeating facts with eyes closed
Participating in group discussions
Record notes after writing them
Tell someone what you have learned (teach your teddy bears!)
Make up rhymes to recall information
Repeat things orally
Make up and repeat rhymes to remember facts, dates, names, etc.
Kinaesthetic learners (also known as tactile learners):
These learners learn best by doing. For example;
Tend to be good at sports or other physical activities, such as dance or martial arts
Can’t sit still for long
Does not have great handwriting or spelling skills
Likes to be able to do things and experiment
Taps a foot or pencil when working
Likes to touch people when talking to them
Studies with loud music on
Likes adventure books, movies
May enjoy acting
Likes to problem solve by physically working through them
Enjoys handling objects
Takes breaks when studying
Enjoys working with hands, such as building models
Often fidgety in the classroom
Reading tends not to be a priority
Likes physical rewards
Study methods for the kinaesthetic learner:
Study in short blocks
Role playing.
Studying with others
Use memory games
Using flash cards to memorise
Pick up the book as you are reading or talking
Write while you are reading or talking
Use a computer to reinforce learning using your sense of touch
Write with your fingers in sand
Use gestures to recall information
Pace while learning
Write lists repeatedly
Concentration skills:
Your concentration span is the amount of time we are able to concentrate on a specific task before our mind wanders. We are able to sustain out attention for different periods of time for different tasks and it cannot be extended to infinity. The main reasons our concentration wanders is due to boredom, anxiety and daydreaming. So how can we improve concentration skills to help our focus when studying?
In between periods of concentration, do things to change your physical and mental activity. You could move around to boost your circulation if you have been sitting, or you could think about something completely different – and fun – to give your brain a new focus.
Be ‘active’ in mental activity! Use a hierarchy of questions to help you focus when reading reference material or listening to a lecture, rather than passively reading through it or listening and hoping that something will stick – and then write brief notes about the answers to your questions. Ask yourself how you will use the material, where it fits into what you already know, what new questions it triggers.
o Look specifically to answer the ‘W’ questions as you work – the what, who, where, when and how of the topic.
Ensure that your environment aids concentration – reduce distractions but don’t be so comfortable that you nod off. Ideally you should not be working on your bed as your body and brain know this is a sleeping environment
If your mind wanders, jot down the distracting thought on a separate piece of paper and carry on
The lead up to the exam
Make sure your notes are complete and if not, fill in the gaps – either ask the teacher or a classmate
Look over anything you have not understood and arrange to get help in that area – either a teacher or a study group – don’t do study groups if you are someone who’ll allow it to degenerate into a gossip session – though it’s worth trying one session
Begin studying early
Find a quiet place to study and make sure you are sitting comfortably
Make sure your desk is well lit
Keep background noise to a minimum; avoid studying in an area where there will be distractions (like television!)
Have everything you need to do your revision to hand before you start – don’t forget a thesaurus, dictionary and calculator
Make a time organiser – the idea is not to spend hours making this pretty and changing it as and when your revise your plans – spend most of your time on the studying
o Plan 1 hour time slots you will use for study (this includes a ten minute break) – schedule times that work for you – are you more of a morning or evening person?
o Make use of short study times to review notes
o Prioritise and consider your commitments when setting up a study timetable
o Complete small tasks straight away rather than putting them off
o You’ll need to start with the subjects you find hardest to give you enough time to come to grips with the info but make sure you break difficult or ‘boring’ work into sections and put more interesting tasks in between. This allows you to approach a large task as a series of manageable parts.
o Set study goal for each session – such as chapter 1 & 2, etc.
o Don’t try to complete a whole subject in one sitting. Sort it section by section.
Go through past papers to get a feel for the exam layout etc.
Aim to form and answer questions as you work
Highlight concerns as you work – yellow for a confusing area – this may become clearer as you continue working and red for something you don’t understand and seek answers or help for this as soon as possible – it’s easier for a teacher to assist you if you have a specific question
The day before the exam:
Have a good night’s sleep
Relax before you go to bed and go to bed early
Pack your bag the night before and make sure you have everything you need for the exam
Pack several pens in case one runs out
The day of the exam:
Eat breakfast
Don’t discuss what you have and haven’t studied with friends
Don’t try and cram before you enter the exam hall
Take a bottle of water in with you – you need to keep hydrated and anxiety can make you thirsty – make sure this is allowed by the school
Make sure you get up early and get to the exam in plenty of time
Walk into the exam hall feeling confident and believing in your abilities – aim for the power of positive thought
Facing the exam:
Read the whole paper through first
Look carefully at the directions
Answer the questions you know well first – this increases your confidence and keeps you more relaxed
Allocate your time in relation to the marks given to each question
For essay type questions, create a small plan or mind map of what you want to say (this can get you marks if you don’t manage to finish the essay)
Read each question carefully and highlight the keywords
Don’t simply regurgitate everything you know about that topic, try to answer the specific question
Mark the answers you are unsure of and go back if you have time
If you are running out of time and still have a lot to say, jot down the key points as this will gain you some marks
When you have finished answering the question, look back at the question to check you did not miss anything out – watch out for multi-part questions, such as “who did… and why …”
Cross out anything you don’t want the examiner to read
If you begin to get anxious or panicky, put your pen down, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, have some water and start again
Ignore what other people are doing in the exam
After the exam
Don’t discuss the paper with others
Don’t rush to check your answers in a textbook – there’s nothing you can do about it and you’ll only upset yourself
Take time to relax and reward yourself before starting more revision