Expresssive language disorder is present when a child’s skills are below the expected levels of vocabulary, use of correct tenses, production of complex sentences, and recall of words. This disorder is two to three times more common in boys than in girls and is most prevalant among children whose relatives have a family history of phonological disorder or other communication disorders.
Children with expressive language disorder have a selective deficit in language skills, but function well in non-verbal areas and receptive skills (understanding language). These children might find it difficult to explain what they are talking about, may appear vague when telling a story and often use filler words, such as stuff and things instead of naming specific objects. They might use non-verbal cues and point to things they want. Many articulation errors occur (especially with th,r,s,z and y sounds), but the erorrs are often inconsistent.
Children suffering from language impairments often suffer from low self-esteem and will benefit from playtherapy or psychotherapy. Therapy can also help in broadening social skills and communication skills.