Anel Annandale - Educational Psychologist

Anel is an Educational Psychologist practicing from Cape Town.  She completed her Bachelors and Honours degrees in psychology at the University of Pretoria where after she obtained an Honours and a Master’s degree in education from the University of South Africa.  Anel has a passion for early childhood development and a special interest in neuropsychology. She has several decades worth of experience in the field of education and has been practicing as an educational psychologist since 2003. 


  • B.soc.sci(psych)
  • B.soc.sci (hons)
  • B.Ed (hons)
We are a group of educational psychologists (commonly referred to by our clients as child psychologists) from across South Africa with the common goal of providing relevant and up-to-date information regarding all aspects related to children’s learning and development. Our primary focus is on the holistic development and well-being of children, and ensuring that children reach their full potential in all social and academic areas.

Find an Educational Psychologist in South Africa

We are a group of educational psychologists (commonly referred to by our clients as child psychologists) from across South Africa with the common goal of providing relevant and up-to-date information regarding all aspects related to children’s learning and development. Our primary focus is on the holistic development and well-being of children, and ensuring that children reach their full potential in all social and academic areas.

Psycho-educational assessments

Global assessments

School-readiness assessments

Subject choice assessments

Concessions/Accommodation Assessments


Career choice assessments

Play therapy

Parental guidance and support

Psycho-educational assessments

Global assessments

School-readiness assessments

Concessions/Accommodation Assessments

What We Offer

We feature a listing of registered educational psychologists in all major areas throughout the country.

Our services include – among others – individual therapeutic intervention, play therapy, group therapy, family therapy, parent guidance, psycho-educational assessments for learning difficulties, school readiness assessments, career assessments, subject choice assessments, assessments in application for concessions/accommodations and remedial support.

Please feel free to contact one of our listed educational psychologists in the area you are based in, should you require further assistance with regard to any of the above-mentioned services.

To help us achieve this goal, we publish free tips/information for parents and educators in our blog.

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As Seen on TV

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Why Should You Choose Us as The Solution?

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Qualified Therapist
Positive Outcomes

As Seen on TV

The Challenge of Late Autism Diagnosis: Why We Need to Do More

The Challenge of Late Autism Diagnosis: Why We Need to Do More

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is often associated with early childhood diagnoses, where signs such as delayed speech, difficulty with eye contact, and repetitive behaviours lead parents or educators to seek professional evaluations. However, many high-functioning…

Focus on the Future if Your Child Seems Depressed

Focus on the Future if Your Child Seems Depressed

As a parent, it can be heartbreaking to see your child feeling down, withdrawn, or even showing signs of depression. While professional intervention is essential in severe cases, there are things you can do in…

Will My Child Outgrow ADHD?

Will My Child Outgrow ADHD?

One of the most common questions parents ask when their child is diagnosed with ADHD is: Will my child outgrow this as they get older? The quick answer is no—ADHD is not something that simply…

As Seen on TV

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

The Challenge of Late Autism Diagnosis: Why We Need to Do More

The Challenge of Late Autism Diagnosis: Why We Need to Do More

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is often associated with early childhood diagnoses, where signs such as delayed speech, difficulty with eye contact, and repetitive behaviours lead parents or educators to seek professional evaluations. However, many high-functioning…

Focus on the Future if Your Child Seems Depressed

Focus on the Future if Your Child Seems Depressed

As a parent, it can be heartbreaking to see your child feeling down, withdrawn, or even showing signs of depression. While professional intervention is essential in severe cases, there are things you can do in…

Will My Child Outgrow ADHD?

Will My Child Outgrow ADHD?

One of the most common questions parents ask when their child is diagnosed with ADHD is: Will my child outgrow this as they get older? The quick answer is no—ADHD is not something that simply…